In this special holiday class, students will learn the basics of soap making! Working with local soap maker, Genipha Backoulou, students will caste their own soap bars, choosing from an array of ingredients and decorations. They will go home with 2 to 3 unique bars of hypoallergenic soap that can be used by them or given as gifts. 
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In this class, students will experiment with two types of felting; needle felting and wet felting. For the first project, they will wet felt a bar of soap.  The soap is covered with a layer of felt which they will decorate with colorful pieces of wool.  The finished soap serves as both soap and washcloth and the felted layer continues to shrink as the soap is used. Students will also be able to needle felt at least one holiday ornament using colors and shapes of their choice.  These items make great gifts or they can be kept and used for their own holiday decorations.
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In this workshop, you will learn basic Special FX makeup techniques to create truly gruesome effects just in time for Halloween! You will learn how to paint black eyes and bruises and how to make an easy monster skin out of household gelation and food coloring. For a finishing touch, we will take our effects to the extreme with some fake blood. It's sure to be a frightfully good time! 
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Prairie Arts Center is excited to partner with the OSU Museum of Art again this year for our Fall Break Camp. Camp will begin with a visit to the museum for an interactive tour of their current exhibition, Small Worlds: Carolyn Cardenas and Contradictions: Bobby Ross. Cardenas paints tiny, highly detailed interiors and complex urban scenes while Ross works on large canvases and creates surrealist settings that explore contradictions- good and evil, harmony and discord, truth and lies, etc. Both artists are storytellers. Students will think about how we tell stories visually in an artwork and imagine a story of their own into being. Making use of Ross' surrealism and Cardenas' scale and interior settings, we will create shadow boxes full of characters and strange happenings.
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This summer's Kids' Art Studio will be an Encore! of our Art Through the Decades summer camps. We will take our inspiration from the 1920's (Tuesday), 1960's (Wednesday), 1970's (Thursday), and the 1980's and 90's (Friday). Even though returning students may be familiar with the themes and artists of the decades, the projects will be new. Unlike summer camp, students may attend one day, all four, or anything in between.

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