Supply List - Plein Air Workshop

Plein Air Workshop with Jude Tolar
Plein Air=Fresh Air
Supply List  
We’re going to create art from life, outdoors. You can choose to draw or paint in black and white, grays, or color.
I advise wearing neutral-color clothing; e.g., tan, olive, green, gray, brown, denim. Just not bright colors.
Please bring:
—Sketchbook, suggested size 12x9 or 14x11, for sketches and taking notes
—Pencil and/or markers, for sketching 
—Medium of your choice–pencil, acrylic, charcoal, oil, watercolor, pastel, etc. I’ll work in pastel on sanded paper, but the principles apply to other mediums, as well.
—Two or more of your favorite papers or canvases, for your plein air artwork, 12x9 or 14x11 inches
—If using paper, you’ll need a hard surface to which to tape your paper. This can be a drawing board, a piece of foamcore or clipboard slightly larger than your paper size, or even the back of your sketchbook.
—Easel, essential for standing to draw/paint (my preferred way to create). If sitting at a table, a table easel works well. Or, even your lap can work.
—Masking tape
—Camera (the one on your cell phone is fine, or digital camera)
—Wet wipes (for clean-up of hands)
—Paper towels, just a few folded ones
—Lunch (bring your own or you can go somewhere for lunch)
—Insect repellent 
—Umbrella for shading your easel. There is plenty of shade in most areas of the garden, though.
—Portable folding chair or camp stool, if you need to sit to draw/paint. There is some seating at The Botanic Garden, but it may not be where you would like to draw/paint.