Dive into the bold world of abstract linocut printmaking with local artist Margaret Price! In this hands-on workshop, you'll explore the dynamic interplay of shapes, textures, and patterns as you carve and print unique designs. From concept to completion, discover the art of transforming linoleum blocks into striking, one-of-a-kind prints that celebrate your creative vision. Perfect for beginners and experienced printmakers alike, this class invites you to experiment with expressive techniques and unlock the potential of abstract forms. All materials are provided—bring your curiosity and creativity!
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Learn the basics of lithographic printing using smart plates. Smart plates are polyester plates that allow for easier lithographic printing with cheaper, more accessible materials and minimal chemical processing. Come to class prepared with an image/composition in mind. You can hand draw on the plate or trace. Plates are approximately 7"x 6 to 12." This crash course in smart plate lithography will allow you to enter our open studio hours and continue your printmaking practice.
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Learn the basics of block printing one-on-one in this introductory art partner course. 
Block printing is a type of relief printing that utilizes a carved block made of wood, linoleum, softcut rubber, or vinyl. The block is rolled up with ink and printed onto a surface using pressure applied either by hand or a printing press. This crash course includes lessons on carving (into softcut), inking, and printing. Demonstrations will be done with pre-carved blocks with time allowed for you to carve your own block. This course qualifies you for open studio hours so you can continue with your block printing adventures! 
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This class will introduce you to basic of screen printing. You will learn techniques and tools necessary to use our studio facilities as well as a crash course in Photoshop and transparency photo printing to render images for screenprinting. There are many possibilities with screenprinting hand-drawn images and digital images, so come prepared with some broad ideas of what kind of imagery you want to make and be ready to take notes. Once you have completed this class, you can schedule time in the print studio on your own.
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