Holiday Stockings

Do you need new holiday stockings- for a new family member, a new baby, a new house with a mantel, or maybe you have always wanted to make them yourself? Check out our handmade felt stockings! These appliquéd felt stockings will inspire you to get creative. We will provide the cut outs for up to five different stocking patterns. You will aplique your choice of image and then embellish it with beads, ribbon, trim or whatever you might like. Bring the whole family or a group of friends.  Each stocking is individually priced so you can purchase additional materials to finish more stockings at home.

Instructor's name
Marianne Weber

Dates and Times:
For this 2 hour workshop, schedule a time from the list of dates and times below:
Thursday, Nov. 11th
4:30pm - 6:30pm

Friday, Nov. 12th
10:30am - 12:30pm
11:00am - 1pm
11:30am - 1:30pm

Wednesday, Nov 17th
4:30pm - 6:30pm

Saturday, Nov. 20th
10:30am - 12:30pm
11:00am - 1pm
1:30pm - 3:30pm

$25 for each stocking. 
*You can purchase these stockings as kits and take them home to finish so you have a matching set. 

16 and up

All Supplies Included, you are welcome to bring your own embellishments. 
To RSVP please fill out our registration form here or call us at 405-744-1535.