Howell Family

Howell 2
Photo by Missy Kaiser
Gretchen Howell, 41- Sean Howell, 41- Reese Howell, 10- Graham Howell 9 
Occupation: Gretchen- Brand Manager, Keystone Food Service- Sean, Mortgage Loans, Great Plains Bank
How am I coping?  It has been a bit of a struggle.  The juggle of working from home, while also being mom, cook, distance learning teacher, just everything blending together.  I am thankful and happy that we are all healthy and I am very thankful for the extra time I have been able to spend with my kids that I would not normally have had.
New rituals: We have been going fishing A LOT, so much so that I would consider it a ritual.  I haven't fished in years and because of all of this we have had time to revisit activities that otherwise we wouldn't have.
The worst thing about quarantine:  It has made so many people sick and so many have lost their lives.  It has cancelled celebrations, and caused us to miss time with our extended families.  
The best thing about quarantine:  We have learned to appreciate what we do have.  We have slowed down a bit and are able to enjoy some of life's little things.  Doing puzzles and Legos, sitting in the driveway and blowing bubbles and doing sidewalk chalk art.  Picnics in the backyard.  Hot dog & marshmallow roasts by the fire.  Drives in the country with the windows down and music loud.  These are the memories I will take with me from this time.