Ceramic Cookie Tray

Adults Holiday Workshops
12/08/2018 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Make a ceramic Cookie Tray for Santa using hand building techniques the first week then glazing your creation the second week. This is open to guardian and child six and up. Can be picked up by the 20th. 

Instructor's name:
Kim Bryant
Class time 
Saturday, Dec 8th, 1:00-3:00pm
Saturday, Dec 15th,  1:00-3:00pm

$30.00 for members, $35.00 for non-members

This is open to guardian and child six and up to 9 and will make one tray together. 10 and up can make their own tray. 

*Pictures shown as inspiration only, may not be the exact project
To RSVP please fill out our registration form here or call us at 405-744-1535.