Embark on a beginner-friendly adventure in fantasy map-making! No prior experience required—just bring your imagination. Using unconventional items like rice, lentils, or beans, we'll create intriguing borders for our maps. Explore the art of crafting villages, mountains, cliffs, farmlands, water features, boat wrecks, and tiny islands—all meticulously rendered in black ink. Join us and unleash your inner cartographer as we bring fantastical worlds to life!
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Join instructor Mark Crow as he guides you through an afternoon of creating an enchanting flower gate entranceway. Enhance your living space with beautiful artwork or create a heartfelt gift for someone special. This session offers you the opportunity to perfect a painting style that combines whimsical charm with a hint of realism, all while enjoying the pleasure of being creative. No experience is required.
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Imagine completing a portrait of your beloved pet in pencil! In this class, you'll learn how to bring the photograph to life on paper. A pencil sharpener and a folder for your photo and other papers will be provided. With the drawing pencils, you'll learn how to add fur to your pet and other fine details that will bring your pet to life and you will be able to enjoy the satisfaction of doing a fine job!
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