McElroy and deAraujo Family

Photo By Jen Johnson

Name and age of household members: Cat de Araujo (36), Bret McElroy (38), Isabel McElroy (5), Cecilia McElroy (3)
Occupation: Museum Educator (Cat), Sales Engenieaer (Bret)

How are you coping?
I don't think we are ... I guess we try to take one day at a time.

What, if any, new rituals have emerged for you?
We have been eating dinner together, even if is just eggs and toast. Because of that, we have started a new family tradition where we all share our high and low of the day - high is the best part of our day and low is the least favorite part of our day. We have also started doing daily yoga, using Cosmic Kids yoga, listening to storytime provided by the Stillwater Public Library, and doing art activities inspired by my work at the Museum and the Creative Classroom from the Prairie Arts Center.

The worst thing about quarantine.
We have had no outside help with the kids and they miss their grandparents greatly. My parents, who live in Brazil, were supposed to be here in May and now... I don't know when will be able to see them. We also miss my husband's mom who lives in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma.

The best thing about quarantine.
Having dinner together and going on walks in the mornings.

What are you most thankful for?
I am thankful and grateful for having a home, available healthcare, and a job that I can do from home - but I mostly thankful for my family and friends here in Stillwater and in Brazil.