Prairie Arts Center Staff

PAC Staff Mask
Photo by Lee Brasuell

It was wonderful to get together at Prairie Arts Center for this Porch Portrait photo shoot. We hadn't been together in person at the center in almost eight weeks. We miss our gathering around the art shop table to plan upcoming classes and events every Tuesday. We miss our coffee runs on longer days or just rainy days. We miss laughing together! Mostly, we desperately miss the energy provided by the people who participate in learning and teaching at the center. While we have worked to provide our community with sparks of creativity through our online creative classroom, we know it can't replace these bricks and connections made in person.  We hope you have taken advantage of some of the ways we have moved outside the center and. when it is safe to return, we look forward to creating together again.

Take Care,

Missy and Hank
Meghan and Luna B
Jen and Arjuna

(Left to right of picture)