Norwood Family

Norwood 2
Photo by Missy Kaiser
Philip(40), Autumn(40), Annie (10), Denver (6), Lily (3) Norwood. 
How have we been coping?
We feel like we have done well, we created a daily schedule early on to incorporate some schooling, outdoor, crafting, rest, screen, & playtime because Philip had to work from home & I (Autumn) had to continue to go i to work every day.  The kids have a learning & playspace upstairs & have done really well staying on task & keeping quiet, playing outside, etc... when office meetings & Zoom calls are going on & knowing work still has to be done even though Dad is at home.
The worst thing about quarantine?
The separation from family & friends.  It’s been hard missing Easter with extended family & not getting to visit grandparents. It also has really thrown off the summer schedule with extracurricular activities extending into the summer & having new guidelines to follow that bring some challenges to training & class.
The best thing about quarantine?
All the time together as a family. We really enjoy being around each other & doing things together but this has put a whole new spin on things.  The kids have been amazing - they work together to help each other with schoolwork, they play well & are very creative & celebrate & encourage one another.  We’ve had times we have been at each other’s throats & needed some space but overall we’d all agree this time together has been good for us all.
What are you thankful for?
Soooo many things. 
*Each other - it’s been so nice to have family & friends to go through this together.
*Jobs - we’ve been so fortunate to be able to continue to work throughout this pandemic.
*Technology - we’ve been able to attend church & Bible classes, continue with school through distance learning, & even grown closer & chatted & checked in more with family & friends through Zoom, Marco Polo, & FaceTime over these weeks of Quarantine. So very grateful to have these resources.