Create your own set of found words and keep them handy for spontaneous word play. You’ll be surprised at how good the results are- sometimes funny, sometimes profound. Find your supply of words in magazines and newspapers. Make sure to include conjunctions and articles, as well as nouns, adjectives, and verbs, for more sophisticated results. Have a place in the house where the words live so all household members can read, rearrange, and experiment. Glue favorite poems down on a picture or collage. Have fun! For more art related activities and prompts, visit our Creative Classroom.

Found Words

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Photo By Jen Johnson

Edwin Sutherland, Jennifer Sutherland, Hayden Sutherland (15) Oliver Sutherland (11)           
Occupation:Edwin – DDS – Stillwater Periodontal CenterJennifer – Office Mgr – Stillwater Periodontal Center         

How are you coping? Wine, prayer, family and friends (notice wine was first ?)

What, if any, new rituals have emerged for you? Daily ‘family’ exercise – we all exercise pretty much daily anyway – but we’ve never been able to do it all together.  Not only is it good to be together but it’s good for the soul and our overall mood and endorphins during this trying time. 

The worst thing about the quarantine: The sense of loss of freedom

The best thing about the quarantine: It has forced us as a family to slow down. Life so darn busy. The quarantine has forced us to slow down and remember some of the simpler things that matter most.

What are you most thankful for? As always – family, friends and the power of prayer.  Without these precious things this situation, and life in general, would be so much harder.  Thank you!!!

Kinnick Family1
Photo By Missy Kaiser

Priscilla, 76, retired teacher
Tom, 77, retired USN and teacher

The worst thing about quarantine.
Not exercising enough.  I need a scheduled time, i.e., my Zumba class.
The best thing about quarantine.
Not being scheduled as much.  More relaxed pace allows me to get a lot of things done that I was putting off.
What are you most thankful for?
Online library (Libby), Zoom yoga and Zoom family meetings.

Lara 2

Photo By Missy Kaiser

Marli is 10
Riley is 3
Sarah is 35 office manager for her husband's heating and air conditioning company at Country Comfort.

How are you coping?
The first 3 weeks were really rough for all of us trying to figure out our new routines. Things are better now and my kids are loving all the home-cooked meals and goodies mom is making! The worst thing is being cooped up in the house with the kids when they get bored and start to whine, oh and also all the weight I’ve gained??‍♀️ The best thing is being cooped up in the house with my kids and finally having time to slow down and enjoy them.  I am thankful that we are all healthy and have a home to be at home in and plenty of food and resources to stay safe. 

Photo By Jen Johnson

Jenn Johnson (29) and James Stone (37)

How are you coping?
We are coping, relatively, well. I am thankful that my family and friends are healthy and stable. I am also thankful to still be employed and in good health. I find that I now spend more time reading, meditating, and considering the options of the day with less urgency. The worst thing about the quarantine is the uncertainty of tomorrow; not being able to make concrete future plans can be quite stressful. I also worry about the health of others and the toll this pandemic is taking on the world. However, this decelerated pace via social distancing is not all bad. This quarantine experience has required me to live more in the moment and appreciate, even more, the interactions between my friends and loved ones. With my life a little less cluttered, I find it easier to enjoy the little things that so often got neglected in my previous fast-paced routine. 

Wassell final
Photo by Missy Kaiser

Mo and Todd Wassell, both 67
also Bodhi, Ellie, Whiskers, & Kitty (ages unknown)
Mo - semi retired/part time pottery instructor,
Todd - self employed

How are you coping?
We haven’t killed each other so that’s good.

What, if any, new rituals have emerged for you?
Online grocery orders, morning meditation time outdoors

The worst thing about quarantine.
No hugs! No dining with friends. No pottery gatherings. Oh yeah... and no income from my husband’s business.

The best thing about quarantine.
Slowing down, quiet neighborhoods. Gratitude rising. Lots of purging/organizing/gardening going on

What are you most thankful for?
That we’ve realized how “rich” we are and what really matters.