This making project could provide hours of imaginative play for your favorite aspiring fisher(wo)man! All you need is an egg carton, string, paint (optional), and a stick (aka fishing pole) and you’re set. Pro tip: make the tail longer than we did so it sticks out further.

This one’s got some serious yin (pretty flowers) and some hard core yang (hammer time)! For the best results, use vibrantly colored flowers, watercolor paper on the bottom, and either waxed paper or a paper towel on the top. Don’t be surprised if you have to pluck off some plant matter when you pull off the top layer. Consider adding to it with sharpie outlines.

Check out these super cute coloring pages made by Jenn Johnson! Download links are given below.

Whale Coloring page

Download link for Whales coloring


This is the perfect time of year to collect botanical specimens. They are out in abundance- in the backyard, along the roads, in our ditches and waterways, at parks, and in pastures. Go on a walkabout to find the most interesting plant you can find. We did that and came back with this gem- a wild allium, which is an edible plant in the garlic and onion family. Look at his crazy hair! And his fine colors! Once you’ve brought your specimen home, take some time observing it. If you don’t know what it is, do some research. Learn a few things about it. When you’re ready, draw it. Start with a light pencil sketch and then fill in the colors. Look close and notice that its stem is not just green, but yellow too, and maybe a little white. Consider yourself not just an artist, but a scientist too, documenting every detail you see! For more art activities and prompts, visit our Creative Classroom.

Copy of Copy of Copy of Untitled1

Photo by Jen Johnson

Ginger (48), Forrest (54), Addy (10), Lola (dog) 
Occupation:  Psychologist/professor
How are you coping? 
Really, we are making the best of it!  We have made it an adventure to be home these last 10 weeks or so, and have had time to do so many things that just couldn't be accomplished with our regular schedules.  We are thriving!  

What, if any, new rituals have emerged for you?  
We are much more physically active, taking long walks, walking the dog, and playing outside.  We've also spent lots more time reading together, watching movies, discovering new games, and cooking together.  

The worst thing about quarantine.  
Not being able to see other family members as much as we'd like, and we miss giving hugs to them. 

The best thing about quarantine. 
The best work/life balance I've ever rushing around to school, work, and lessons, no worrying about child care.  I love telework, and the amount of time it lets me spend with my family!  It is so nice to enjoy just being home.  

What are you most thankful for? 
This time to be together.