A salon wall is a great way to show off a collection of artwork and found objects. It’s also a fun project that the whole family could help plan. On a traditional salon wall, dozens of objects of differing sizes and shapes are hung together. Symmetry is not important, but balance is. Make a miniature of each artwork you’d like to include and play around with placement. The kids will love this part! Pro tip: make sure to include both two and three dimensional works. Miniature shelves, antlers, bones, old tools- these will add visual interest and texture. Check out the curation at @barnesfoundation in Philadelphia for inspiration. https://www.barnesfoundation.org/whats-on/explore-the-barnes-online

Photo By Jen Johnson
George Horton, 41
Megan Horton, 36
Mattie Horton, 8
Tate Horton, 5

Photo Jenn Johnson

Toni and Dustin Ivey – both 43
Vivien – 9
William – 6
Henry 3
Buddy Love (5 yo german shepherd)

OSU Professor and OSU IT Manager

How are you coping?
We have lots of outside time with gardening, lots of online art classes, and lots of movie and game nights

What, if any, new rituals have emerged for you?
More family bike rides and walks

The worst thing about quarantine.
Having 2 adults trying to work from home while raising (and teaching) three small children. We miss our schools and teachers.

The best thing about quarantine.
Getting to spend so much time with my family.

What are you most thankful for?
Being able to work from home and keep myself and others safe.


Photo By Missy Kaiser
Chris Looper 37 Senior Administrative Assistant
Emily Looper 37 Lab technologist
Maverick 8
Aurelia 6

How are you coping?
I am working and Chris is bingeing tv and organizing the house.

What, if any, new rituals have emerged for you?
Just online school for the kids, making games out of their homework, lots of basketball, and the kids have been getting very imaginative with their outdoor fort they are building.

The worst thing about quarantine.
All the isolation and not being able to go out.

The best thing about quarantine.
Lots of family time and watching the kids getting creative with their playtime.

What are you most thankful for?
Time with family, appreciating loved ones, and seeing the positive outcomes in people and the environment.



Photo By Jen Johnson

Joyce Family

Once we got over the initial fear & shock, we started to really enjoy this time, as it is giving us more time with our children.  We have had family dinner every night, gone on walks, played games, and read books.  Even with the increased workload of being Mayor during a pandemic & working his daytime job, Will has been able to be home more, too.  Our mornings are lazy & quiet.  The weather has been amazing, so we have spent a lot of time on the patio just enjoying this slower pace of life.  We miss our extended family & our friends, but are happy to make these sacrifices to keep them safe.