Intro to Screenprinting with Bianca Ferreira

This class will introduce you to three basic methods of screen printing: stencil, screen filler, and emulsion. You will learn techniques and tools necessary to use our studio facilities as well as a crash course in photoshop and transparency photo printing for rendering images to use for screenprinting. There are many possibilities with screenprinting hand drawn images and digital images so come prepared with some broad ideas of what kind of imagery you want to make and be ready to take notes. A good start for image references is Pinterest. Once you have completed this class you will be able to schedule time in the print studio on your own.

Bianca Prade is an independent artist and graphic designer currently living in Stillwater OK. They spent time in New Mexico working on their undergraduate degree with a focus in printmaking and their favorite method of printmaking is lithography.

Course type  
Two Day  

Class time  
Thursday & Friday
July 21st & 22nd, 5:30pm - 8pm 
July 28th & 29th, 5:30pm - 8pm 

$100 members; $125 non-members 

16 years old and up 

All inks and screenprinting materials included. Each student will need to provide their own imagery. Students may keep the screen to use in an open studio after class. 

To RSVP please fill out our registration form here or call us at 405-744-1535.