During this course, students will learn both the creative and technical skills needed to create a photograph. Students will use a DSLR camera to learn to control shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to make a correct exposure while using composition techniques like the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing to create a stunning composition. 
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In this course, students will learn to throw pots on the wheel. Along the way, they will also learn about the physical properties of clay and how to properly use the tools of the ceramics studio. Students can expect to form and glaze one or two of their own unique and functional objects over the course of the workshop.
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In this 4 day workshop, students will experiment with contemporary drawing methods and techniques. They will investigate new and exciting ways to make drawings while trying new materials. Using the sketchbook, students will explore their own interests, develop dramatic visual narratives, and test new drawing mediums. They will transform these studies into finished drawings that reflect the dynamic nature of contemporary drawing. Expect a habit breaking adventure into the possibilities of drawing.
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This exciting two day beginning jewelry making course will teach students the essential basic skills of the craft. Students will learn to saw, texture, form, solder, and set stones in the creation of wearable jewelry objects. All project materials (metal and stones) and use of basic jewelry making hand tools will be provided in the course fee.
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In this four-day workshop, students will learn how to use the silkscreen process to create hand-printed multiples of an original image. Silkscreen is an exciting art-making technique with a rich history and a diversity of applications: from fine art prints to t-shirt designs, protest posters, and beyond. Students in this course will be exposed to a variety of historical and contemporary examples of silkscreen printing and will use these examples as inspiration as they design and print their own original artworks. Students are encouraged to investigate their own interests and ideas when developing their subject matter for the project. Technical skills learned will include both digital and hand-cut film stencil making, the photo-exposure process for transferring images onto screens, color theory when mixing inks, proper printing techniques, and correct registration of multiple color layers within a single print.
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