Ansley 3
Photo by Missy Kaiser
Teresa (age 60) and Jim (age 66) Ansley
Teresa-retired, Jim-OSU Department Head-Natural Resource  Ecology and Management
We are coping, I think, much like everyone else.  Good days, bad days!  
New rituals-eating 3 meals a day together, every day, for the first time in 37 years together! 
Worst thing-not being able to see/spend time with,  our daughters.
Best thing-having time. To keep in touch with people, each other.  To work in the yard, read, listen to music, hobbies.  
Thankful for our family. Thankful for technology which allows us to keep in contact with family and friends.  

Pence 1
Photo by Missy Kaiser
Jared and Cara 
Ethan (12) Wiley (10) Elizabeth (8) Pence
Cara is a surgeon and chief of staff at Stillwater medical
Jared is a stay at home dad
We are coping fairly well but it’s hard working so many hours at the hospital and worrying about bringing home something to the rest of the family. We have a lot of cleaning rituals to keep us all safe when I get home.

We have renewed our love of the family bike ride and geocaching. We have also tried new painting classes online as a family. We have camped which we had never done before and walked the dog a ton!

The worst part of being quarantined is missing our friends.

The best part is all of the family time and being able to focus on each other instead of many activities that pulled our family in so many different directions.
We are most thankful for this time together and our health.

Norwood 2
Photo by Missy Kaiser
Philip(40), Autumn(40), Annie (10), Denver (6), Lily (3) Norwood. 
How have we been coping?
We feel like we have done well, we created a daily schedule early on to incorporate some schooling, outdoor, crafting, rest, screen, & playtime because Philip had to work from home & I (Autumn) had to continue to go i to work every day.  The kids have a learning & playspace upstairs & have done really well staying on task & keeping quiet, playing outside, etc... when office meetings & Zoom calls are going on & knowing work still has to be done even though Dad is at home.
The worst thing about quarantine?
The separation from family & friends.  It’s been hard missing Easter with extended family & not getting to visit grandparents. It also has really thrown off the summer schedule with extracurricular activities extending into the summer & having new guidelines to follow that bring some challenges to training & class.
The best thing about quarantine?
All the time together as a family. We really enjoy being around each other & doing things together but this has put a whole new spin on things.  The kids have been amazing - they work together to help each other with schoolwork, they play well & are very creative & celebrate & encourage one another.  We’ve had times we have been at each other’s throats & needed some space but overall we’d all agree this time together has been good for us all.
What are you thankful for?
Soooo many things. 
*Each other - it’s been so nice to have family & friends to go through this together.
*Jobs - we’ve been so fortunate to be able to continue to work throughout this pandemic.
*Technology - we’ve been able to attend church & Bible classes, continue with school through distance learning, & even grown closer & chatted & checked in more with family & friends through Zoom, Marco Polo, & FaceTime over these weeks of Quarantine. So very grateful to have these resources.

Brown 31

Marilyn Brown 67 (and dog Dusty)

I really miss spending time with my family and friends.  But I’m using Zoom to teach my grand daughters to embroidery.  We had a virtual ‘surprise’ birthday party for my grandson and even an online wedding for a couple of pets. ?   So I’ve really enjoyed the unique ways we’ve connected but I’m definitely ready for hugs!

Photo by Jen Johnson
Cylene Walker-Willis, new board member, dance; Rigby Summer, board member, Monday@Modella; Mo Wassell, board member, art; Valerie Bloodgood, founder.

We are a non-profit art gallery that thrives on the interaction with the community. When the quarantine hit, we literally had finished one week of a new exhibit, "Revolutions," a bicycle themed exhibit to tie in with the Midsouth bike ride. We have no paid staff so, fortunately, we were not hit economically with not being able to pay employees. However, our student internships abruptly ended and no showcasing of talent.  One of our board members was able to produce a virtual visit of that exhibit which is on our Modella website. Income from sale of artwork and renting the gallery space helps with Modella's rent and that completely ended. Showcasing local musicians as part of our Final Fridays also ended live. We did have a March virtual Final Friday. And our monthly Monday@Modella music highlights, poetry series and dance went on hiatus as well. Two art exhibits were cancelled and one was delayed. At first, we brake pedaled everything and we are now coming back to the merry go round, board members using their creative juices and talents to help reevaluate how Modella can draw the community back in. Stay tuned!

Jen Johnson created these taste of summer coloring pages. We have already had one of the kiddos enjoy coloring them with colored pencils. These pages are not only for kids, but great for anyone needing stress relief, and these pages will put you in the summer spirit. Find more of our Jen's coloring pages on our creative classroom page, along with many other creative ideas. Links to download below.

Copy of Copy of Coloring Pages 1


Ice Cream Coloring Page

Download Ice Cream Coloring Page


Fruit Coloring Page

Download Fruit Coloring Page