PAC Staff Mask
Photo by Lee Brasuell

It was wonderful to get together at Prairie Arts Center for this Porch Portrait photo shoot. We hadn't been together in person at the center in almost eight weeks. We miss our gathering around the art shop table to plan upcoming classes and events every Tuesday. We miss our coffee runs on longer days or just rainy days. We miss laughing together! Mostly, we desperately miss the energy provided by the people who participate in learning and teaching at the center. While we have worked to provide our community with sparks of creativity through our online creative classroom, we know it can't replace these bricks and connections made in person.  We hope you have taken advantage of some of the ways we have moved outside the center and. when it is safe to return, we look forward to creating together again.

Take Care,

Missy and Hank
Meghan and Luna B
Jen and Arjuna

(Left to right of picture)

Peeper Porch Portrait Fav
Photo By Meghan Brasuell
​Bill and Autumn Peeper, 46 and 42
BreAnna Peeper, 16 years old
Mason Peeper, 12 years old

​Bill - teacher
Autumn - property management

How are you coping?​ We are enjoying the time being home as a family.  We've spent a lot of time outside taking walks, planting a garden, and doing yard work.

What, if any, new rituals have emerged for you? ​Family walks and more frequent family dinners

The worst thing about quarantine. ​Not being able to see older family members or spend time with friends

The best thing about quarantine. ​We have enjoyed the extra family time and extra time for projects we've been putting off.

What are you most thankful for? ​We are lucky to both have our jobs to continue and technology access at home to allow us to work and continue school easily.

This project is a great way to bring a sculptural element to collage. Fold a large piece of paper into three sections. Cut the tops of each section into jagged peaks or rolling hills. The back section should be taller than the middle section and the middle section taller than the front section. Consider using sharper details and brighter colors in the front and softer textures and lighter colors for the back sections to mimic distance. Pro tip- add something to the top of the front section for foreground interest. We used a horse, but yours could include a cabin, a tree, a person, maybe even a dinosaur or dragon! For more activities and prompts, check out our Creative Classroom.

IMG 4899

Long 4 cropped
Photo By Missy Kasier
Paula Long, 51, librarian 
Jim Long, 51, research biologist
Sarah Long, 21, college student 
Anna Long, 19, college student 
Quarantine has meant spending a whole lot more time together as a family. It’s been wonderful and challenging. There are so many extra dishes to wash, but they come from all those extra family meals we get to eat together. We go on walks and play games together some days, but on other days we barely leave our own rooms. We’re all online for classes and meetings and getting work done so by the end of the day, technology has lost its glamour. It’s a strange mixture of great and horrible.


Bill McLean 59
Beth McLean 56
Charley McLean 23
Matthew McLean 17
3 wonderful dogs- Yuki, Coco, Sunny
Bill and Beth are both Occupational therapists and Bill is a glassblower who has been participating in Prairie Arts POP up art shops

I love having all of my family together.  I will be glad when my son’s quarantine is over and I can hug his neck! We are planning to restart our family scrapbooking and journaling.  We have missed having us all together.

Photo by Jen Johnson
Kay and Kevin Bjornen

I am a librarian (see below) and Kevin is a retired engineer with way too much time on his hands.
As we discussed this morning, I am coping.  Some days better than others.  More virtual happy hours, letters to our elders, virtual concerts, household projects and cooking, way more cooking.  I have gotten sourdough starter going and made bread, homemade pizza on Sunday evenings and homemade pasta.  I should be writing!
As far as what I am thankful for, if we can get through this without my family being touched by the virus, I will continue to be so very grateful.  So far, so good.